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16:1  But concerning that which has been collected for the Saints, just as I have commanded the church of Galatia, do so also.
16:2  On every Sunday, let each person of you lay aside in his house and keep that which he can, so that when I come there will be no collections.
16:3  And when I shall come, those whom you elect I shall send with a letter to carry your gift to Jerusalem.
16:4  But if it is appropriate for me to visit, when I depart, they shall depart with me.
16:5  But I will come to you when I have passed from Macedonia, for I shall pass through Macedonia.
16:6  And perhaps I shall remain with you or winter with you, that you may accompany me wherever I go.
16:7  I do not wish to see you now as I pass by the way, for I hope to tarry for a time with you, if my Lord allows me,
16:8  But I am staying in Ephesaus until Pentecost.
16:9  For a great door is opened to me, filled with opportunities and many opponents.
16:10  But if Timotheus comes to you, see that he will not be intimidated by you, for he cultivates the works of THE LORD JEHOVAH, as do I,
16:11  Lest therefore any should despise him; but accompany him in peace, that he may come join me, for I wait for him with the brethren.
16:12  And I have wanted Apollo to come to you very much, my brethren, with the brethren, but doubtless he did not wish to come to you, but when he has time he will come to you.
16:13  Be alert and stand in the faith; be valiant; be strong.
16:14  And let all your dealings be with love.
16:15  But I request of you, my brethren, concerning the house of Estephana, because you know that they are the first generation of Akaia, and they put themselves into the service of The Holy Ones,
16:16  That you also will listen to those who are such and to every person who toils and helps with us.
16:17  But I rejoice at the arrival of Estephana, of Fortunatus and Akayqus, for they have supplied things to me which you lacked.
16:18  For they have refreshed my spirit and yours; do therefore recognize those who are such.
16:19  All the assemblies in Asia invoke your peace; Aqelaus and Priscilla invoke your peace much in Our Lord, with the assembly that is in their house.
16:20  All the brethren invoke your peace. Invoke the peace one of another with a holy kiss.
16:21  Salutations in my own handwriting, (Paulus' ).
16:22  Whoever does not love our Lord Yeshua The Messiah, let him be damned. our Lord has come.
16:23  The grace of our Lord Yeshua The Messiah is with you,
16:24  And my love is with all of you in The Messiah Yeshua.